Program Belaweek - Belarus in Dresden
Monday, 29 May 2006, 21.00 o'clock
- Vernissage
pictures of Andrei Liankevich with discussion
- Dia-lecture
"terra incognita - Belarus, in the middle in Europe"
Swen Steinberg, historian
Tuesday, 30 May 2006, 21.00 o'clock
- Panel discussion
"Youth in Belarus - school, university and musicscene in an autocratic state"
Belarusian students and representative from the culture management range will report own experiences and the perception of the situation in the
Presentation: Swen Steinberg, historian
Wednesday, 31 May 2006, 21.00 o'clock
- Reading
Reading and discussion with Heike Sabel, journalist and to be manager of "Gemeinsam in die Zukunft", in cooperation with Belarus/Bragin, with headquarters in Pirna.
Presentation: Swen Steinberg, historian
Thursday, 1 June 2005, 21.00 o'clock
- "Rock for the children"
Benefizconcert in favour of the holiday camp of Europäisches Jugendwerk e.V.
Live on stage: The Flying Windmill (Dresden)
Eiszeitclub (Dresden)
The Belaweek - Belarus in Dresden is a cooperation meeting of:
Studentenclub Aquarium e.V.
c/o Melanie Ducke
St. Petersburger Str. 21
01069 Dresden
Kultur Aktiv e.V.
c/o Mirko Sennewald
Louisenstraße 29
01099 Dresden
Europäisches Jugendwerk e.V.
c/o Swen Steinberg
Bautzner Straße 130
01099 Dresden