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Possibilities to perform of the persecuted bands:

  • 1st anniversary of presidential elections in Belarus

    We are celebrating the anniversary of the undemocratic elections in Belarus, which the president of the country surprisingly confirmed: www.oe24.at/zeitung/welt/weltpolitik/article67754.ece

    We offer you to celebrate with us in the middle of March: reading session, puppet theatre play for adults and a party. for further information pls contact us: belarus@kulturaktiv.org

  • Exhibition "Focus on Belarus - Momentaufnahmen belarussischer Gegenwart"

    in cooperation w/ impreuna - Brücken nach Osteuropa e.V. www.impreuna.org

    more information klick here...

  • Participation of German and Belarusian musicians at our project Rock4Peace

  • "BelaPlus 2007" – Hope for young initiatives in Belarus!

    more information klick here...